Happy Guy - Topos

The fair bank for
everyone, everywhere

Save, use and access your money anytime, anywhere

Open account online

*alternatively visit the nearest Topos agent

Topos customers

Earn ₦600
every month in
interest on average

Send and receive
money on Topos
for free

Have access to
loans up to

The most secure banking tech on every phone:

Featured and Smartphone

Make your money
work for you!

All Topos NUBAN accounts earn 15% per year on deposits, paid out monthly. Earn ₦125 monthly for an account balance of ₦10,000!

illustration money - Topos

Personal loans,
fair and fast

Flash loans, no collateral needed

Get credit for up to 80% of your account balance and lower your fees via on-time repayments. Check out the best credit offering for you at your local agent!

illustration - circle, phone,girl - Topos
Illustration Map contact - Topos


Do you have a relative in Europe or the USA? With Topos they become guarantor for your loans in Nigeria. Visit your local agent for more information!

Money transfers to anyone, anytime

With your NUBAN accounts, send and receive money from any bank in Nigeria. Transfers between Topos accounts are 100% free!
Illustration Circle money - Topos
Illustration deposit, withdrawls - Topos

Easy deposits, easy withdrawals

Perform seamless cash-in and cash-out operations at your local agent. Deposits are always free, for the pricing of withdrawals contact your local agent!

To open your Topos account

Customer how-to's

cta woman topos

Open your account in minutes

Contact +234 (0) 91 322 49059 and discover the nearest agent to you!


How do I open an account with Topos?
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Apply digitally or visit any nearest Topos Agent to open an account.
What do I need to become a Topos customer?
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You need to provide us with a valid ID , a signature and a recent utility bill.
Do you hand out ATM cards?
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Topos operates on a cardless withdrawal system. This means that you can request withdrawal through the Topos USSD menu or by visiting a Topos agent for assistance.
Can I access loan services with Topos?
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Yes, our loans are fully accessible to our customers, for more enquiries on the loan visit the nearest Topos Agent or call the customer support.
How long will it take before I start using my Topos account?
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You can start using your Topos account for transactions once the account has been verified.
Will I be able to use my Topos account for sending & receiving money?
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Yes, with Topos you can make/receive transfers to/from other Topos users for free or to/from any other Nigerian bank account at standard rates.
What do I do when I mistakenly transfer money to a wrong account number?
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If you sent money to the wrong account number, we suggest you contact the person of the wrong account immediately to recover your money. Topos is not responsible for money collections during incorrect transactions amongst peers.

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